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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Whole30- Day 10 ( alernative title: Everything is Stupid)

 This is the day most quit on. I get it. I am annoyed with the grocery store. Every aisle is jam packed with thinks on my "don't" list. I am losing ambition with my menu and the need for creativity feels exhausting to even think of. Staying positive today feels stupid. I have every intention of staying on plan because I am hella competitive with my own self and I am just far to curious to see if the hype fits my work. This is major work. Mental work. Because the junk on hand system was just easy and lazy and gross now that I think of it. I am avoiding shopping for food because it sucks and I swear I can smell honey greek yogurt through the package. What a mind screw. I am not however craving sweets in their candy form. It's that round about sneaky digestive form that my body is trying to trick me with. It fells very much like my mind and body are a bit at war today. And though I actually require ingredients for dinner I am not motivated in the tiniest bit to get my ass up and showered. OMG showering sounds harrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddd you guys. Ewwww. This feeling could leave right meow and I would be thrilled. I am not a fan of the day 10 shit. I may go to bed at noon and sleep till tomorrow.

 I will attempt to give some good recipes in hope of enticing hunger pangs that will get me moving.

 Irish Nonsense

 Chicken Apple Aidells sausage has been a remedy for my boredom because I can add it to all kinds of stuff. But this was top notch!

 Brown the sausage in link form using a touch of olive oil or ghee. Brown really nice and crisp on all sides then slice into little meat coins. Place back the the pan to brown these sides now flipping accordingly until irresistibly. Set aside.  Chop half an onion of your favorite color and also a half head of cabbage. It seems like a lot but remember it wilts like mad and its packed with awesome nutrients. Get a hot pan ready with two tablespoons of melted ghee or bacon fat, add veggies and sautee on med stirring constantly to achieve even doneness and a nice brown edge on onions especially. While that cooks slice fingerlings into even sized chunks, toss with olive oil and salt/pepper. Roast at 375 for 15-20 minutes or fork tender. Plate all things in piles and devour!!!

The Latkes

 These are normally made with standard russet potatoes and regular flour. I have modified and tested this to be whole30 compliant. If you want to make them standard, those are the two swapped ingredients.

 Shred about 2 cups of zucchini ( about 2-3 med sized zucchini) any way you like. I used to do it with a hand grater and now I rock a sweet Cuisinart food possessor that takes a tenth the time because, impatient and probably hangry. Set your zucchini aside in a colander to drain access water off. BIG STEP because otherwise the "dough" will be runny and gross. The secret to getting most of that water off fast is sprinkling with a touch of salt to draw it out quick. And then you have also pre-seasoned the veggie part.

 One egg beaten is added to drained zukes in a big mixing bowl. Coat thoroughly. Dust in 3-4 tablespoons of almond or coconut flour ( I found coconut a touch gritty but better flavor so it's a toss up of texture vs taste). Mix well again.

 In a large pan get a nice drizzle of olive oil or a tablespoon of ghee nice and hot. Make a patty shape with your late mixture and add several at a time to your pan. turn when the bottom is browned. Takes about 2-3 minutes on each side.

 Serve with fresh veggies or guacamole or an egg on top. But my favorite is with apple sauce and sour cream so now I need to attempt a whole30 rendition of sour cream to complete the makeover. 

Enjoy!! And Happy Day 10 to any of you in the trenches with me. And Yay!! to all of you further.

  Also, as I wrote this my gas stove went out, MY OVEN!!! MY STOVE! Heaven help the world. And the warranty call center. I may go all Brittney with an umbrella on this shit today.


  1. Oh shitz

    You need a spin on the Orange bike

  2. Thanks for posting these recipes! I saw your post of the latkes on IG and started salivating like I haven't eaten in days. I'm on day 4 of my W30. This shit is hard yo.

  3. Thanks for posting these recipes! I saw your post of the latkes on IG and started salivating like I haven't eaten in days. I'm on day 4 of my W30. This shit is hard yo.
