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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Before: The most low maintenance park in town.

  Here is our awesome yard. I collaged the parts I adore because they are not the focus zone this spring. Our lawn rocks. Thanks to a nearly golf course worthy sprinkler system. Yep, I thought it also "A sprinkler system in Oregon seems pretty stupid". It is in fact needed in the summer. And when I want to watch my kids be incredibly acrobatic flailing, squealing fools. But it does feel like overkill considering the sprinkler heads are dinner plate size.

But anyway, here is our "park". Pretty amazing right? I LOVE all the trees. So lucky that the family who very first lived in this home had a tradition of having live Christmas trees, and then planing them in the yard after the winter every year. Beautiful and we have a variety of conifers around to swoon over.

 The part I really am looking forward to creating is my garden/farm. I have seeds started and a rough plan in my head. So I wanted to make sure to do this right this time. I almost always forget to take before pictures and end up explaining, unclear and lamely, what we had to work with at the start. This, is our right side of the yard. Not on the piping grid of the sprinkler system but yet perfectly in it's range ( YESS!! score).

 And also an aerial shot because, well I can. Seriously though it's cool if you can ever take an aerial shot of anything right? It gives a little more yard perspective from the deck with a rubber ball for sure. Let's pretend that was completely intentional.

 Now I plan my plot. My raised beds ( three total if I can ) will be for a bounty of vegetables and sunflowers will line the fence for privacy. I am excited to say the least. When we moved I went through the major labor of explaining the importance of moving the compost WITH the compost roller. What? You don't know what a compost roller is? Well let me show you. Because I am overly proud of the awesome beast that turns my garbage into gold.
  This contraption held tons of soil when we were ready to move into this house and I would have cried to have to leave it behind. That may sound crazy to some, but others understand that not only is there time and turning, more importantly loads of eggshells, veggie scraps and earthworms that would be going to waste. So my loving husband agreed and moved the good stuff too.

I love my luck with this yard and all the possibilities for my farm. Let this glorious journey through my photos  begin. And if you live locally, you can probably sign up for produce hand outs because when I do it right I become a bit of an overachiever. And if you are like me, lets have a veggie trade!!!! Take it back to the olden days and barter figs for squash and junk!! Yep I am a solid earth nerd.

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